Voluntary Marine Conservation Area Project

The Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation is established as a charitable foundation under the Foundations Act 2012 of Mauritius on 7 March 2017. The main purpose of the foundation is the promotion of charitable, technical and educational causes, including, but not limited to, the protection of the environment, world ecology and marine life and promotion of scientific development in the emerging markets.
The council members of the foundation consist of the following persons and association:
(i) H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro
(ii) Les Amis du Centre Scientifique de Monaco
(iii) Mr. Bashir A Currimjee, GOSK
(iv) Mrs. Syeda Najma Currimjee
The first philanthropic investment that the foundation will be funding is the Voluntary Marine Conservation Area (VMCA) Project.