COVID-19 and earth day

As the COVID-19 pandemic severely affects the world, causing an unprecedented crisis, the link between environment and health is becoming a growing concern. In this context, the Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation expresses its compassion for the suffering populations and pays tribute to the courage of those who, on a everyday basis, struggle and mobilize to overcome this pandemic. The impulse of solidarity that unites us today is proof of our ability to act together with a common goal. The need for a collective response to global challenges is more fundamental than ever, whether it be the coronavirus or environmental preservation.
All of us, individually and collectively, have a role to play to ensure that the paths that will be chosen as we emerge from the crisis not only do not call into question, but breathe new life into the measures taken by countries and industries to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.
Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies has invited personalities and scientists to take the floor to reflect on the link between the environment and the pandemic, on the current impact of the crisis in various regions of the world and on the perspectives for the “day after”.
This message of awareness was spread symbolically from April, 22nd, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Since then, several personalities had shared their points of view in the fields of the environment, science and the economy in order to contribute to creating this new balance between man and nature at the end of this crisis.